Got a question? We’re here to answer!
If you don’t see your question below, drop us a line using the contact us page.
Preregistration Code not Working
If your preregistration code is not working, check the following:
- If the match was posted before you became a member, your code will not work until the next match.
- If you became a member prior to the match being posted, refresh the PractiScore registration page once or twice .
If you lost your membership code, search your email for a message with the subject “Your Preregistration Code | APSC Member”
If you still cannot find your code, please use the contact form to send us a message. When you receive it, please store it in a tool like Proton Pass or 1Password.
Can I come and watch a match?
Yes, you can. You must arrive before check-in closes at 9:00 AM so that you can sign the necessary waivers to be on the range. You must also wear eye and hearing protection at all times.
Also, if you are not an Austin Rifle Club (ARC) member, you must wear the blue band issued at check-in while on ARC property.